Arbejde Associate Project Manager in Shopper Marketing Agency Syddanmark LEGO SYSTEM A/S - jobtilbud

Associate Project Manager in Shopper Marketing Agency

Looking for a journey where you can grow and learn? And help bring creative marketing materials to life? Then come join us. You will lead and support a variety of projects, gain unique insight into the LEGO Group and stay up-to-date on the latest trends. Deliver top-class project management Joining our Shopper Marketing Agency (SMA), an internal agency with 210 colleagues based in 7 locations across the globe, you will be part of a team of 8 project managers in Billund, Denmark. We help deliver innovative insight-driven shopper marketing and communication solutions across different communication platforms, e.g. in-store materials, e-commerce, shows & events, 3D models and various retail activation vehicles. As associate project manager, you will take the lead on market-driven tasks and smaller projects from start to finish as well as assist on large strategic projects within different LEGO® themes. Your responsibilities: - For your own tasks and projects you will be responsible for developing plans and budgets as well as ensuring that projects are delivered on time and budget and that the quality of solutions lives up to our standards. You will own the full project flow, i.e. set and lead the project team for the projects - Depending on the project, you will either drive or assist in team meetings, develop solutions, manage stakeholders, provide sparring, facilitate info on solutions and more - As you will be driving projects for implementation across Europe, you will be cooperating closely with internal partners in many different markets - You will be working on market specific solutions, get great variety of tasks and projects and be challenged to navigate among many stakeholders Come develop your skills with us You join a team that focuses on strength-based leadership and trust. Thus, we help develop your talent and trust you to get things done to the highest possible standard, while you gain a thorough understanding of our international business. We care for good work-life balance, and we are sure that if you are happy doing what you do, you will be better at it. If you have a burning desire to work with marketing and project management - to bring marketing materials to life and develop your skills - this is the place for you. Dedicated project manager This is a role where you could develop into a project manager, taking ownership of large, strategic projects. We are looking for talents that are excited by the opportunity to grow and work alongside our experienced project managers to deliver great impact for the LEGO Group. Working in an international environment with a global agenda, you need to be a considerate, caring and empathetic team player. You are structured and great at managing your own time. You perform equally well, whether you work independently, as part of a team or in a leadership role. Your background: - You hold a marketing degree at bachelor's level or higher - You have 1-2 years of project management experience, possibly from an international environment, either picked up in a student job or a full-time position after graduation - You have a solid understanding of project management and strong organisational skills along with the ability to drive projects through regional or global teams - Experience working with shopper communication is an advantage - You are proficient in Excel and speak and write English fluently Bringing it to life "You get to put your hands on many different types of marketing and use this knowledge to develop your expertise as the LEGO brand advances internationally. Here, you become part of an exceptional in-house agency that works on a remarkable global brand," says Nan Vangsgård Stiholt, Senior Manager, SMA Billund. Join the global LEGO® family In the LEGO Group, we succeed together. You will be part of a global family, where you can express your creativity and enjoy a fun working environment. We look forward to reading your application. Please remem

Arbejdsgiver Navn: LEGO SYSTEM A/S

Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 79506070

Job kort beskrivelse:
Ledelse inden for anden forretningsservice og andre administrative funktioner

land: Danmark

region: Syddanmark

Kontrakt varighed: Fast

Kontrakttype: Fuldtid

krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet

Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark


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