Arbejde Business Developer Midtjylland GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S - jobtilbud
Would you like to work in an international, innovative organisation, where we produce high quality solutions and are constantly looking to develop both existing and new products? Here is your chance to be involved in a long-term transformation of our products in a role with global responsibility, great development opportunities and flexibility in how you build your career and develop your skills. You join the Industry Segment, more specifically the General Industry and Channels team. We are a team of 6 Business Developers, responsible for supporting developing projects on new products, new customer services and new ways of selling. As such, we work on everything from developing new technical support and training services to developing new ways of thinking within our supply chain. You refer to Business Development Director, Jai Mukherjee. ”We have a portfolio of strategic projects across the whole segment, which will help drive long-term growth and maintain our position as a premium industrial supplier. Each team member acts as a lead on 4-5 projects and as a lead partner for one of the sales regions,” explains Jai. What is the job about? You will be responsible for coordinating everything we do with the China sales region. This entails developing new business and sales approaches with the local managers. It also involves creating a portfolio of product and business development initiatives to implement our Industry Segment strategy for 2020. An important part of your job is also to work with our product managers’ plans to ensure the successful launch and ongoing growth of the next generation of our industrial pumps. Over the next four years, we will bring a number of new industrial products to market. You will work closely with all functions to optimise the commercial plans for these launches: the positioning, pricing, marketing plans and sales approaches. Moreover, you will develop new commercial approaches to increase our success in developing and launching integrated customer solutions. This will include designing and trialling new training approaches, sales tools, partnerships and promotional approaches What do you need to apply? You have an engineering or commercial background and at least 5 years of experience in a business development or sales role in a technical environment. You also have a track record in developing and implementing new sales approaches and tools. It does not matter if you do not have a technical background, but you need to enjoy learning about new technical systems and approaches. Finally, you have solid verbal and written communication skills in English. “On a personal level, you are good at combining an analytical and operational approach to business development. You have a good track record and passion for developing and implementing new ideas. And finally you are a strong communicator, who understands how to work in cross-functional projects and lead teams that do not report directly to you,” finishes Jai.
Arbejdsgiver Navn: GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 87501400
Job kort beskrivelse:
Analytikerarbejde inden for ledelse og virksomhedsorganisation
land: Danmark
region: Midtjylland
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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