Arbejde Business Planner motivated by specialist role Syddanmark Maersk Oil A/S - jobtilbud
Are you looking for a business planning specialist role where you will enhance your skills and further your career? Would like to play a significant role in planning the future oil and gas activities in the Danish Business Unit (DBU) of a company with a strong heritage and sense of pride? Then come join our Business Performance department and be based at our Copenhagen or Esbjerg Office. We Offer You will have the opportunity to work in a position key to the business planning in Maersk Oil DBU. Here, you will be part of a small, flexible team involved in diversified tasks related to strategic and financial business planning as well as Performance Management. You will gain deep insight into Maersk Oil and be able to have an impact on the direction of the company. At the same time, you can develop a strong network and put in place the foundation for a great career in Maersk Oil. As we are establishing the Business Performance department at the Maersk Oil Copenhagen office, you will also function as an integrator across functions and locations. This will in periods require frequent travel activity between the Esbjerg and Copenhagen office. The Business Performance Department is primarily based at the Esbjerg office, so you can be based in either Esbjerg or Copenhagen. Either way, you will need to maintain strong links to the corporate head offices in Copenhagen. You will be reporting to the Head of Business Performance department. Key Responsibilities As our new Business Planner you will play a central role in driving business planning throughout Maersk Oil DBU. This includes cooperating with the entire organization in order to plan and align expectations to the forward looking plans related to safety, production fields and current as well as future projects. Your responsibilities will be to: • Drive the business planning cycle and underlying processes • Lead/participate in the continuous improvements of processes and tools • Monitor adherence to business plan • Contribute to department/ad-hoc tasks for senior management and Maersk Oil Corporate • Create the Maersk Oil DBU Business Outlook • Support the global capital allocation process Who we are looking for You have a relevant master’s degree or education at similar level combined with solid work experience, preferably in the oil industry, and a proven record of performance. You have experience with business planning, project management and financial planning. With your strong analytical skills and passion for numbers, you are able to constructively qualify planning input, assumptions and results. You must be strong on coordination, have good teamwork capabilities as well as individual drive, and you are in particular motivated by the specialist role. You possess excellent communication and skills as well as good interpersonal skills enabling you to build a solid network and help integrate the department in the Maersk Oil Copenhagen office. Finally, you have to be comfortable with meeting short deadlines and have the ability to deliver a quality product on time. Apply: Maersk Oil is an international oil and gas company with operated production of about 557,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day from Denmark, the UK, Qatar, Kazakhstan, Brazil and Algeria. Exploration activities are on-going in Angola, Norway, the US Gulf of Mexico, Greenland, Iraqi Kurdistan and in the producing countries. Turning marginal and challenging fields into commercial successes has been the cornerstone of Maersk Oil’s business since 1962. Maersk Oil focuses on pioneering technologies and harnessing talent to continue to operate safely and successfully, creating value for partners and host governments. Maersk Oil is a fully-owned subsidiary of the global conglomerate, the Maersk Group.
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Maersk Oil A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 75451366
Job kort beskrivelse: Arbejde inden for samfundsøkonomi
land: Danmark
region: Syddanmark
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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