Arbejde Customer Care Agent Syddanmark SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC IT DENMARK ApS - jobtilbud
Customer Service Professional – Nordics Do you speak Norwegian and English? Are you outgoing and enjoy helping customers in a positive environment? And do you have a basic technical understanding you would like to and apply in a service position in a global organisation? Make a difference – join Schneider Electric Schneider Electric is a leading designer and manufacturer of automation and control solutions and sets the standard in its industry for quality, innovation and support. For our Customer Service department in Odense, we are looking for a new colleague, who will be part of a team consisting of 8 colleagues and a team leader, who support our retail and private customers. Ensure customer satisfaction in the Nordic countries As part of the Customer Service Department, your main mission will be to assist our users with technical support on one-phase UPS systems, making sure they are happy and have all the information they need. You will interact with our customers primarily in Norwegian both written and spoken. Phone and email will be your primary tools, as you handle inquiries and claims, process orders, and call out to qualify leads. Be equipped to do our best Furthermore, you will handle sales support for your colleagues. You will receive extensive training that provides you with the necessary knowledge about our products and with tools to help our customers in the best possible way. We aim at maintaining very positive relationships with our customers, who trust our products and service. Many career opportunities and focus on development At Schneider Electric, we want the best employees. That is why we do not compromise on education and personal development, and we work targeted and structured with educational plans from day one. As part of the Nordic Customer Care Centre, you will constantly develop your professional competencies and have focus on your personal development. Service minded and fluent in Norwegian and English •You will service customers in the Nordic countries, primarily Norwegian. Thus, you are fluent in Norwegian, but you will also communicate in Danish and English. Knowledge of more Nordic languages is a plus •You probably have experience from a similar position •We will provide you with an introductory training programme in Denmark and abroad, but it is important that you have basic technical flair As a person, you are outgoing, positive and solution oriented. You work hard to secure happy customers, as you break down and analyse their issues to find solutions. You think service and customer needs in everything you do, which makes you able to pass your knowledge on to your colleagues in sales. Interested? If you have any questions regarding the position, please contact Birgit Nielsen, on +45 60217863 after 7th of June. Read more about us and meet some of our employees at Please apply before 15. Juni Send us your motivated cover letter, CV and diplomas. We look forward to hear from you.
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 75542255
Job kort beskrivelse:
Kasseassistentarbejde og beslægtet kundebetjening
land: Danmark
region: Syddanmark
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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