Arbejde Danfoss Post Graduate, R&D Syddanmark DANFOSS A/S - jobtilbud
Join the Danfoss Post Graduate Program and take your next step toward a promising future in infrastructure, food, energy and climate. Supported by professionals, you will go beyond the ordinary to make an impact in today’s global change environment. The contacts you make within the program, will be from all over the world, and will empower you throughout your career. In the Program, you will have the unique opportunity to: •Put your competencies and personal capabilities in play within a dynamic global R&D organization •Develop your capabilities within embedded software and digital communication solutions in new products •Get hands-on experience with the development of ground-breaking products in close cooperation with other technical professionals A two-year program tailored to you The Danfoss Post Graduate Program is a two-year talent development program offered to a limited number of high potential graduates with the ambition, global mindset and intellectual strength to impact positively on Danfoss’ future goals. The program gives you the opportunity to play a vital part in four different projects, each of six months’ duration. At least one of these projects will be completed outside your home country. The first project will be ready and waiting for you from day one! Thereafter, you will together with your mentor, select the subsequent projects based on your profile and learning needs. Master’s degree with convincing results and eager to make a difference To be selected for the program it is crucial that you: •Have recently completed or will before September 2016 complete your master’s degree in Embedded Software Engineering or Computer Science or similar •Have a great interest in embedded software and digital communication, and that you are eager to learn more digital communication and web communication technologies •Possess excellent English skills and that you are mobile and willing to travel frequently •Are ambitious and have the will to win, and that you thrive in an ever-changing world •Are a team player who can navigate in an environment with many stakeholders and are ready to work at all levels of the organization You have to be able to start in the program on 1 September 2016 at one of our locations in Denmark. If you are the one we are looking for, please submit your application including your diplomas or grades no later than June 1, 2016. To learn more about the program Please visit , and read our Q&A section. Company Profile Watch how Danfoss is Engineering tomorrow, here: Auto req ID 6270BR Type of Position Postgraduate Job Area Research & Development Country / Countries Denmark Location Nordborg
Arbejdsgiver Navn: DANFOSS A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 86825066
Job kort beskrivelse: Ingeniørarbejde inden for elektronik
land: Danmark
region: Syddanmark
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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