Arbejde Design Management Coordinator Syddanmark LEGO SYSTEM A/S - jobtilbud


stillingsbetegnelse: Design Management Coordinator

Your mission as a Design Management Coordinator is to assist the LEGO design management team and the LEGO design organization to support the implementation of new strategic cross organizational Design Leadership Team initiatives. Help develop our future designs Supporting the Design Management Team will involve you helping gathering research, support the development and implementation of Design Leadership Team (DLT) initiatives across the LEGO design organization at an operational level. Additionally your role will be to help the project team leads, creative leads or design managers with their day to day operational tasks to free up their time to deliver on strategic cross organizational Design Leadership Team initiatives. Passionate about the impact of play In a culture that is famous for collaboration and creativity, you will work closely in teams to ensure great conditions for creating and designing products that delight and inspire children globally. You will join a large international design team in Billund, counting approximately 200 designers from around the world who are passionate about the impact of play. As a Design Management coordinator you are Result Orientated – You strive to deliver consistently and fulfill assigned tasks. You are independent, versatile and focused on what needs to be done. Great at prioritizing, organizing and simplifying to get tasks done. Strategically Orientated - You understand how to prioritize immediate issues to the benefit of a cross organizational design function. Innovative - You are aware of immediate opportunities for improvement based on new insights and ideas. Customer Focused – You are highly service oriented, good at understanding customer needs - even before these needs are articulated. Collaborative - You support your colleagues and respond to their needs in constructive ways. You show flexibility to work in groups and demonstrate a consistent and open communication style. Use resources available from others by asking questions and testing assumptions. Functional Expert - You have a basic knowledge of your functional area to deliver the right results. Join the global family of LEGO In the LEGO Group, we succeed together, and you will be part of a global family where you will collaborate across the LEGO Community. We look very much forward to reading your application, and please remember to attach your application and a current CV including portfolio or pictures of your model work, drawings and sketches. Please note that applications without portfolio or pictures of your creative work will not be considered. Apply: We do not have application deadlines on any of our positions. We take candidates into the recruitment process continuously and close the position down once we have found the right candidate. Bringing it to life "By joining us you will be part of a truly international design team that thrives on developing the world’s best building and play experiences, creating exciting new LEGO Play worlds, characters, bricks and models for millions of kids across the globe," says Will, Senior Creative Director.

Arbejdsgiver Navn: LEGO SYSTEM A/S

Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 79506070

Job kort beskrivelse:
Andet ingeniørarbejde (undtagen elektroteknologi)

land: Danmark

region: Syddanmark

Kontrakt varighed: Fast

Kontrakttype: Fuldtid

krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet

Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark


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