Arbejde Element Designer Syddanmark LEGO SYSTEM A/S - jobtilbud
Get to work in a fun, international environment, where you collaborate closely with multidisciplinary teams. Deliver world class LEGO® Elements and play experiences for kids around the world. And challenge the norms as you work on a broad number of themes and concepts. Deliver outstanding elements Right now we are looking for Designers with a knack for sculpting and designing exciting new building parts. You will join a team dedicated to creating LEGO® Building elements and LEGO Mini figure parts, e.g., hair or custom bodies and accessories as well as special characters and building elements for play themes, for example LEGO Star Wars, LEGO Friends or LEGO Ninjago. Thus, you will get to work on intellectual property projects and support all of the above through outstanding, high quality elements. Specifically, you will be: Translating 2-D materials into 3-D elements Creating sketches and 3-D prototypes Working closely with a vast number of internal stakeholders from engineers and model development teams to graphic specialists and concept designers Helping with concept element development Creating design documentation Play is our favourite way of learning You join a diverse, international design team that delivers high quality elements, which retain the design intent or essence of the character while maintaining the LEGO DNA. We will provide you with a supportive network and encourage you to share your ideas while helping you develop a deep expertise, as you inspire the builders of tomorrow. Design professionals, who want to make an impact You are a true creative, who always push the boundaries. What sets you apart is your ability to step into a fast-paced organisation, with multiple simultaneous projects and deadlines that might be tight. Thus, you make an impact as a self-driven and positive colleague, who is looking for a challenge and do not mind challenging others. We imagine that you: Hold a design education Have experience with 3-D software (Z-brush/freeform/Rhino/NX) and Photoshop Have a sense for hand sketching, sculpting and character design, and any experience with physical modelling and aesthetics from a child’s perspective would be a plus May have some understanding of technical production and manufacturing (moulding) processes Are a good communicator, who can speak and write English fluently Bringing it to life "You will find yourself being a part of a fun and exciting workplace, where you continuously get to work on brand new construction toy elements that reach children across the globe. At the same time, you will get first-hand experience of what it takes to realise your elements, cooperating with designers, engineers and child experts to make it happen," says Jeffrey Alan Davies, Senior Manager, Sculpting and Elements.
Arbejdsgiver Navn: LEGO SYSTEM A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 79506070
Job kort beskrivelse: Web- og multimedieudvikling
land: Danmark
region: Syddanmark
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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