Arbejde Experienced Project Manager Syddanmark Leica Geosystems Technology A/S - jobtilbud
- to lead Odense based Software Development Projects Do you want to make a difference? Do you want to work with a market leading provider of machine control solutions for the construction business? Do you want to be part of an international and ambitious team? Leica Geosystems Technology A/S is looking for a competent Project Manager to manage software development projects in our R&D operation in Odense, Denmark. You will lead project teams comprising representatives from product management, research and development, and operations through the entire life cycle of a project: From inception until we have sellable products on the shelves. Typically, team members work together from several locations around the world, and you are charged with the important and difficult task to facilitate this remote collaboration. Proper management and strong leadership skills are your primary tools, but given the current size and level of maturity of our organization you are expected to get your hands dirty with the details of the work going on from time to time; Your opinion matters and your vast knowledge and experience put you in a central position to ensure progress and quality of the work being done. It is our vision to become the world-wide number one provider of machine control solutions for the construction business. As Project Manager you hold the ultimate responsibility for the success of every project you manage and play an instrumental role in meeting the objectives set. In the end the results you deliver will carry the name of renowned brands known for dependability, accuracy and high value for money. We expect you to approach this assignment with conscience, accountability, high work ethics, skill, and an eye for quality. Applicants are expected to fulfill the below requirements: •At least 5 years’ of project management experience working with product development; Primarily software development in a cross-functional and remote setup. •Experience working in accordance with a well-defined and well managed stage gate process is mandatory •Experience facilitating software development processes using agile methods – We are using Scrum based methods and a Scrum Master certification will serve to your advantage •To understand the process and challenges of software development, professional experience working as a software developer will serve to your advantage. •You must be assertive, structured, self-driven, calm, and be able to keep a good overview of the often many concurrent tasks under your responsibility •Excellent verbal and written communication skills – fluency in English is a prerequisite but Danish and other languages are highly regarded •Formal project management certification (preferably IPMA level C or B) will also be highly regarded Integrity is one of our core values expressed in our relation to both customers and employees. We strive towards a good work environment where no two days are the same. You are offered an interesting opportunity with exciting and challenging tasks. We have a flat organizational structure which gives you latitude to act and take responsibility. The company emphasizes development and offers you good opportunities to further strengthen your professional competencies. We are diverse in terms of cultural background, yet one community. Leica employees are flexible and take pride in achieving the targets – as one team. Your application is appreciated as soon as possible as we will be reviewing applications on an ongoing basis. Therefore, we urge you to apply as soon as possible but no later than May 25 2015. Please send your application to: machinecontrolhr (at) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With its advanced technology, Leica Geosystem has been revolutionizing the world of measurement and surveying for nearly 200 years. Part of Hexagon, a leading global provider of integrated design, measurement and visualizat
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Leica Geosystems Technology A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 66170784
Sådan ansøger: machinecontrolhr (at)
Job kort beskrivelse: Systemanalytikerarbejde
land: Danmark
region: Syddanmark
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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