Arbejde Financial Business Partner, Specialist-140001PB Midtjylland Vestas Wind Systems A/S - jobtilbud
Are you looking for challenging tasks and great opportunities for both personal and professional development? Would you like to join a team of highly skilled colleagues dedicated to deliver business insight and performance management intel guiding Vestas strategy and daily operation? Do you possess a global mindset and a positive "can-do" attitude towards challenges? If yes, this might be the job for you. We are offering a unique career opportunity working with business performance critical information and a chance to join a dynamic and global work environment involving many different stakeholders. It is essential that you will take the lead in key knowledge/process areas and be able to manage complex initiatives with large cross functional engagement and high business impact. Financial Business Partner, Specialist, Aarhus, DK TSS Performance Management, a department in Vestas Global Finance, is responsible for ensuring objective and transparent decision making by delivering excellent performance reporting and analysis to relevant stakeholder and senior/executive management within Research and Development. We drive performance culture by ensuring ambitious and realistic target setting and keeping stakeholders accountable for target gaps and ensuring root cause countermeasures are implemented. To stay competitive it is imperative that Vestas is dedicated to financial performance, hence TSS Performance Management ensures to transform performance management knowledge into tangible P&L and balance sheet impact, enabling accurate guidance for financial and strategic decision making. You will be part of the SVP area covering development of new solutions for the service business in Vestas. Responsibilities: Provide financial and business analysis to operating Senior Vice President for Service Solutions including cost-savings recommendations Acting as financial business partner for all Directors & Projects Managers across Service Solution, understanding their cost base and advising on efficiency measures and spend Ensuring ambitious and realistic target setting and keeping stakeholders accountable for target gaps and investigating and highlighting root causes Preparing the business for growth, Drive performance culture by challenging key stakeholders, and ensuring accurate data and forecasting. Drive cross-functional business performance improvement projects ensuring efficient and accurate reporting Monitor cost-centre expenditures versus forecasts and budgets Qualifications: Preferably a master degree in accounting, finance or business, with profound working experience within controlling and a genuine business interest Candidates with business controlling experience will be preferred Good understanding of value chain and business models Willing to offer a point of view and professional judgement Competencies: The ideal candidate has the following personality: Strong personality and cross functional leadership skills that secure the build-up of commitment and trustworthy relationships with stakeholders in a global environment. Proactive, open minded and self-motivated. Customer-oriented and the ability to understand the complete business value chain seen from acustomer perspective. Strong business acumen as well as influencing skills. Proven track record of demonstrated ability to make independent decisions and manage conflicting priorities in a fast-paced environment. Extrovert with strong both verbal and non-verbal communication skills What we offer: We offer an exciting job with excellent opportunities for professional and personal development in an inspiring, dynamic, high performing and international work environment in the renewable energy sector. We highly value initiative, responsibility and the right balance between creativity and quality in all solutions You can apply online by clicking on the “Apply Online” button at the top or buttom of this page. WIND. IT MEANS THE WORLD TO US. By joining Vestas, you
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Vestas Wind Systems A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 97300000
land: Danmark
region: Midtjylland
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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