Arbejde Group Business Controller Midtjylland GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S - jobtilbud
Hvad tilbyder vi? Do you have experience within operations? Would you like to join an international organisation with a large Operations unit? And be part of shaping and implementing solutions within Operations leading to world-class performance management at Grundfos? You will join the Operations team in Financial Planning & Analysis (FP&A) which is part of Corporate Finance and overall responsible for financial planning and performance management within the Operations area in the Grundfos Group. One of Grundfos’ core values is being relentlessly ambitious, and in FP&A Operations we aim at being a dedicated and valued business partner to the entire organisation and at becoming world class within performance management. Financial Planning & Analysis Operations will be headed by Director, Károly Nyári. “The Operations team consists of 3 relentlessly ambitious Group Business Controllers. You become part of a dedicated, motivated and culturally diverse team based in Bjerringbro but with strong roots inour global and regional structure,” Károly explains. Hvad drejer jobbet sig om? As Group Business Controller, you participate in a range of operational tasks as well as in our performance management project. You do performance reporting as well as forecasting and target setting. Further, you conduct financial and investment analysis and evaluate strategies and activities. Another part of your job is to participate in projects and identify performance improvements along with preparing material for presentations to senior management. Moreover, you will be business partnering with both group functions as well as our production companies. “In FP&A, we are currently in the process of implementing new measures to take our performance management to a new level. This is an excellent opportunity for you to use your expertise to influence the way we do things and to be part of building our future team,” Károly says. Hvad skal der til for at ansøge? You have a Master’s in Finance/Economics, paired with +5 years’ experience within Business Controlling preferably from an international operations or manufacturing organisation. Also, you have experience with SAP ERP & BW and Microsoft Office applications, and if you have experience with financial planning and performance reporting, it is considered a plus. You speak and write English fluently. “We need someone with excellent communication skills and strong analytical capabilities. You work in a structured manner and seek influence as well as take initiative. And finally, the performance management project embraces all parts of the organisation, so you should enjoy working cross-culturally and have excellent collaboration skills,” Károly ends. Yderligere information: Jobindex handles the applications and co-operates with Grundfos regarding this recruitment process. If you have questions or want to know more about the position, please contact Director, Jørgen Melgaard Pedersen at +45 87 50 12 18 or +45 40 42 07 04 or Recruitment Consultant at Jobindex, Claus Tandrup Gyldendal, on +45 38 32 34 39. If this job sounds appealing to you, please send your resume and cover letter today and no later than 8 September 2015 by clicking on the link “Søg denne stilling”. Relevant applications will be forwarded to Grundfos and we expect interviews to be held during week 38. We look forward to hearing from you. If you want to dig deeper into the Grundfos universe, please visit our Grundfos YouTube Channel here: or on Facebook: htt
Arbejdsgiver Navn: GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 87501400
Job kort beskrivelse: Revisions- og regnskabscontrollerarbejde
land: Danmark
region: Midtjylland
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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