Arbejde Information Security Manager Syddanmark MAERSK CONTAINER INDUSTRY A/S - jobtilbud
Are you looking for your next challenge? We are looking for a passionate, experienced information security professional that has gravitas and strong influencing skills to drive our information security strategy forward. You will be based in either Copenhagen or Tinglev. We Offer The Maersk Container Industry Management Team has defined a new and ambitious strategy for the company where the use of IT plays an important role. Having reached the implementation phase we now offer the opportunity to join the journey. Maersk Container Industry offers an ambitious and competitive environment where corporation with other BUs' Information Security professionals is expected. As Information Security Manager you will work with line managers to assign appropriate resources for the project team, as well as communicating with stakeholders and facilitating decision making. Furthermore, you will interact with stakeholders at all levels of the organization, fostering and building collaborative working relationships and enabling you to rapidly build a large network. Key Responsibilities • Responsible for the strategy and plan for information security which addresses the evolving business risk and information control requirements. • Within the context of the Maersk Group security framework, develop and maintain the strategy for information security in MCI in agreement with the MCI's leadership team, and in alignment with the plans and budgets for MCI. • Responsible for the development and maintenance of the information security policy, standards and guidelines in accordance with best professional and industry practice, as well as the Maersk Group requirements. • Ensure the application of the information security policy, standards and guidelines according MCI's business. • Identify and monitor external and internal threats to the confidentiality, integrity, availability, accountability and relevant compliance of information systems, and provides authoritative advice and guidance on the application and operation of all types of security controls, including legislative or regulatory requirements. • Provide Supplier Security oversight, including initial security assessments, assessments throughout the relationship and incident management of any Information Security incidents should they occur. • Contribute to the design and development of information security education and training to management and staff. • Working with Maersk Group to address risks and plan strategic risk treatment plans. Who we are looking for An experienced information security manager with a proven track record. You have a Master of Science from a technical or engineering field. Preferably you have minimum 5-8 years of work experience of information security in large scale organizations. You have extensive and documented experience with information security management. A person to represent Maersk Container Industry on local and corporate incident response processes, including incident response planning and management of security incidents and events to protect IT assets, overseeing the investigation of information security breaches and assisting with disciplinary matters associated with such breaches, as necessary. As a person you are proactive and process-oriented, with an analytical and structured approach to problem salving. You have a drive to continuously implement process improvements and create results. You must possess excellent interpersonal and communication skills and a proven ability to work effectively with all organizational levels, fostering and building a collaborative working relationship with various stakeholders. You must have the ability to communicate technical concepts to non-technical users, and the ability to work and communicate with users of all levels, with a high level of professionalism. Fluency in written and spoken English is mandatory. Last application date: 20 June 2016. Maersk Container Industry A/S (MCI), a part of A.P. Moller-
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 73643400
Job kort beskrivelse: Systemanalytikerarbejde
land: Danmark
region: Syddanmark
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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