Arbejde Lead Specialist for electrical power and utility systems in Substations Electrical & Commissioning Management Syddanmark DONG ENERGY A/S - jobtilbud
Lead Specialist for electrical power and utility systems in Substations Electrical & Commissioning Management
Do you want to make a difference in one of the leading energy companies in Northern Europe? Join us and become a Lead Specialist in Substations Electrical & Commisioning Management which is responsible for electrical power and utility design and installations, integration management of MV, HV and SCADA components in substations and commissioning management for our onshore and offshore substations. Together with 42 committed colleagues, you will manage the technical development and design of power and utility components for substations. You will be the technical specialist responsible for requirements and quality for power and utility installations for our onshore and offshore substations. The department is part of Wind Power which has 1600 employees and is one of four business units in DONG Energy. Wind Power is the world’s largest developer and operator of offshore wind power, and we use our unique knowledge in all phases of our wind turbine projects. During the last 20 years, we have developed and constructed the largest portfolio of offshore wind farms in Northern Europe. You may choose freely to be based either at our office in Skærbæk near Fredericia or in Gentofte in the Greater Copenhagen area. However, you should expect some travelling in relation to your work. Areas of responsibility You will be a member of our committed team of cross-functional specialists working with target setting and performance aligned with technology strategy on our substations, where you will be responsible for the electrical power and utility area. Your responsibility wil also include securing a high level of quality for our deliverables, design optimisation, cost reductions, reviews and philosophies within electrical power and utility in our projects. Furthermore, your key duties will be to: •implement lessons learned and ensure a high level of quality in projects and in technical requirements and standards •provide support for creating and updating processes within the department •implement new technologies within the electrical power and utility technical area •provide leadership and guidance to Technical Project Leads in execution of their responsibilities •encourage innovative thinking around safety and developing of future substations. Your profile You hold a relevant degree in electrical engineering or similar and are interested in working with electrical infrastructure for substations. We expect a high level of specialist competences within electrical power and utility components (eg diesel generator sets, UPS systems, switchboards, battery systems etc.) ideally including some experience with high-voltage and SCADA installations. It will be preferable that you have experience working with offshore and/or onshore substations. As we operate in an international environment, it is essential that you speak and write English fluently. It is important that you have an extrovert personality and have a commitment to meeting a high bar and getting things done even in the face of obstacles. Furthermore, you will enjoy sharing your knowledge with your colleagues in the project group and in your department. We offer A unique and challenging job where you have every opportunity to develop your skills, when you help to carry out some of the world's largest offshore wind projects. In DONG Energy Wind Power, we have a high level of expertise and many complex and challenging work tasks. We work goal-oriented and efficiently with some of the world's largest offshore wind projects, and we are committed to reducing the cost of electricity. We look forward to receiving your application, CV and diplomas as electronic files by 31 October 2015. Apply: DONG Energy is one of the leading energy groups in Northern Europe. Our business is based on procuring, producing, distributing and trading in energy and related products in Northern Europe. DONG Energy has 7,000 e
Arbejdsgiver Navn: DONG ENERGY A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 99551111
Job kort beskrivelse: Ingeniørarbejde inden for elektronik
land: Danmark
region: Syddanmark
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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