Arbejde Mechanical Engineer, Static Syddanmark Maersk Oil A/S - jobtilbud

stillingsbetegnelse: Mechanical Engineer, Static

Are you experienced within mechanical layout and piping design? Would you like a challenging position that exposes you to the full value chain of disciplines and technical solutions from design to start of operations offshore? Then come join Maersk Oil, a renowned and innovative oil and gas business with a safety first approach. Here you will have the opportunity to further build on your skills and gain valuable experience. We Offer At Maersk Oil you will be part of an environment where you experience willingness to innovate, contribute your knowhow and ideas, and get many professional challenges in a dynamic and exciting environment. You will be working with the best tools and technology there is along with a team of highly professional colleagues from across the globe. At the same time, you can develop a strong network and put in place the foundation for a great career in Maersk Oil. As Mechanical Engineer, you will be responsible for layout of new wellheads, piping design, and delivery of all static components for riser and wellhead platforms and have the opportunity to work on newbuildings all the way to installation and start-up offshore. In doing so, you will interface with the leadership team, contractors, drilling and well services, as well as technical authorities and functions in Maersk Oil. In addition, we will ensure that you will be fully introduced to our business and our company and help you to make the most out of your skills. This is a position that requires mobility, as you will be stationed abroad. Key Responsibilities You will have the responsibility for development of layout of new wellheads, ensuring that flowline hook-up can be carried out efficiently. You will also be responsible for the mechanical design of vessels as specified on the wellheads. It will also be your responsibility to evaluate options and solutions to ensure the optimal solutions are selected, just as you ensure internal quality control of work delivered by the team’s engineers and external parties. Your tasks will be to: Prepare specifications, basis of design and scope of work Evaluate bids from design contractors Screen technical solutions, oversee and follow up on design contractors and vendors, as well as provide technical direction for them Coordinate with other disciplines in the project team, and with various others disciplines in existing projects, to assure continual iteration of optimal solutions and alignment of interfaces Participate in interdisciplinary design reviews, HAZID, HAZOP, lay-out review etc. Who we are looking for As an engineer, you are experienced working with mechanical layout and piping design. Having a background in an offshore industry, you are familiar with industry design standards. You have knowledge of planning and executing offshore work and understanding of broader implications of technical work, e.g. operability, brownfield modifications requirements, economics, etc. You speak and write English fluently. As a person, you possess strong communication skills that enable you to communicate potential solutions clearly and concisely, to a broad audience, both internally and externally. You have the experience to work independently on facilities and across disciplines with minimal guidance, and you dare use your innovative thinking to challenge the normal way of working when necessary. Apply: Maersk Oil is an international oil and gas company with operated production of about 557,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day from Denmark, the UK, Qatar, Kazakhstan, Brazil and Algeria. Exploration activities are on-going in Angola, Norway, the US Gulf of Mexico, Greenland, Iraqi Kurdistan and in the producing countries. Turning marginal and challenging fields into commercial successes has been the cornerstone of Maersk Oil’s business since 1962. Maersk Oil focuses on pioneering technologies and harnessing talent to continu

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Maersk Oil A/S

Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 00000000

Job kort beskrivelse: Ingeniørarbejde i industri og produktion

land: Danmark

region: Syddanmark

Kontrakt varighed: Fast

Kontrakttype: Fuldtid

krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet

Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark


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