Arbejde NPI Tech Leads-140000T4 Midtjylland Vestas Wind Systems A/S - jobtilbud
Operating in Technology & Service Solutions, New Product Introduction’s role is to ensure that products under development can be produced at best prices and assembly quality at our factories and suppliers. Vestas has multiple factories that assemble nacelle´s based worldwide. The nacelle facility assembles a wide variety of components, from structural beams / heavy castings / powertrains components to small electrical elements. Your main focus will be to drive manufacturability towards our facilities, and run in of critical components towards our supplier base. You will work with both known technologies but also with heavy assembly processes not known yet. Main focus will be manufacturing and interaction with designs groups. You will be working across Vestas, with a wide stakeholder group. Industrialization, New Product Introduction The Technical Lead department focuses on early product development until implementation into factories, supporting all new platforms under development. The main purpose of the NPI Tech Lead is to ensure that process risks and costs are mapped early in product development. To ensure that all risk has been facilitated, the developer will participate in early development and scoping of projects, until prototype productions. The NPI Tech Lead will be responsible for the quality of the process and work both as a developer, but also as a coordinator / lead in areas of scope. Responsibilities: Design for Assembly / Design for Manufacturing Operational Support Process mapping - Current & Future state mapping of manufacturing processes / transportation / flow between facilities and suppliers. Participate in integrated product and process development with designers to ensure best manufacturing practice in design. Identifying critical processes / critical equipment and unknown processes Facilitate and coordinate stakeholders Participate in costing of components / modules Interface with Sourcing / System & product integration / Tools & Equipment / health & safety etc. Be a part of change management in early prototype builds. Review of product concepts / deliveries at gate passage Support Category management teams Qualifications: Relevant engineering degree –preferably B.Sc. orM.Sc. degree in Mechanical or Production Engineering Minimum 5 years experience inrelated position Firm knowledge in assemblyprocesses and factory setups Process flowdevelopment- the ability to create process flows at earlyproduct development Casting knowledge- knowledge about casting processes / casting issues Machining - knowledge about Machining of heavy components Nacelle Assembly Process- Generel Assembly process of Nacelle & Hub Competencies: You have excellent manufacturing and assembly skills, insights/experiences. You have the ability to define concepts and implement these in close collaboration with the business. Personal skills: You have a very strong collaborative approach towards the stakeholders You are focused at solving the problem and challenges and at the same time you firmly follow the agreed plan and concept You have a very structured approach when you work with projects and concepts and you are capable of visualizing a complex solution You have strong communicative skills Fluency in English Outgoing personality with the skills to facilitate and to lead development What we offer: We offer a challenging environment with the possibilities to be involved in new product development and being in the driver seat to secure a flawless ramp for New Production Introduction. Additional information: Primary work location: Aarhus, Denmark. Travels out of country will be part of this job, during implementation and build of prototypes and engineering samples. approx. 20 days a year. WIND. IT MEANS THE WORLD TO US. By joining Vestas, you join the only global energy company dedicated 100% to wind energy. Together with our customers, we have installed more than 51.000 turbines in over 70 countries, and
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Vestas Wind Systems A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 97300000
land: Danmark
region: Midtjylland
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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