Arbejde Offshore Supervisor Syddanmark Maersk Oil A/S - jobtilbud
Are you ready to take on an exciting offshore challenge in a position that will provide you with excellent opportunities to apply your strong operational skills? We are looking for an experienced well completion and intervention supervisor who can supervise offshore projects and ensure efficiency, safety and a high level of quality in our work. We Offer A central role within the Well Services Offshore Section where you will have key areas of responsibility. These include being in charge of supervision, efficiency and safety measures concerning ongoing operations, and you report directly to the onshore Team Lead. As this is a very operational role in terms of executing key projects on the drilling rigs and production platforms, you collaborate with the on-site supervisors to ensure safe and effective preparation and installation of equipment. As Offshore Supervisor, your success depends on your ability to ensure a high safety and performance operating environment throughout all the critical stages of a project. Thus, you will need to confer with drilling rig and production platform colleagues in charge of on-site safety. This makes for a vibrant environment where you will have the opportunity to make a tangible difference within the area. Furthermore, in Maersk Oil, we offer a wide range of education and career opportunities for employees possessing the necessary skills and values. Key Responsibilities You will work 2 weeks offshore and have 3 weeks off combined with courses and training. Your main areas of responsibility are supervision of well completion operations on offshore drilling rigs in cooperation with the drilling teams, hereunder supervision of completion and work-over programmes and stimulation, well test and clean-out operations. Furthermore, supervision of well interventions on offshore production platforms, including planning and coordination of coil tubing, wire line, logging, stimulation, clean-out, conformance control and other well service operations. Well maintenance and well integrity management is also an important part of the job. Other areas of responsibility include: • Ensuring that valid work permits and other forms are obtained before beginning a project • Assessing risks prior to each job and filling out a work assessment form • Conducting meetings with all involved parties and ensuring that sufficient personnel and equipment is available • Making sure that the necessary tests of tools and equipment are carried out • Various reporting tasks – including daily job reporting, well handover report at the end of a shift and accident, illness and near-miss reporting • Provide feedback on the performance of programs and contractors as well as propose continuous improvement initiatives Who we are looking for The ideal candidate has a strong technical background with the ability to consider all the relevant aspect vital to carrying out the projects. As such, you are structured and thorough with a keen eye for details, and you always make sure that all safety, technical and financial aspects have been evaluated prior to making any project decisions. More specifically, you: • Have minimum 3-5 years’ experience in drilling/completion/intervention operations including previous well site supervisory experience • Have excellent communications skills as you will be working with and coordinating several employees • Are proactive, always looking for ways to improve the safety and quality standards within the Well Service Area • Make sure to stay updated on well service activities and equipment •Thrive training and instructing others – including Offshore Supervisor Trainees • Have an operational focus and the ability to pay attention to all matters influencing a complex process Apply: Maersk Oil is an international oil and gas company with operated production of about 557,000 barrels of oil equivalent
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Maersk Oil A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 75451366
land: Danmark
region: Syddanmark
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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