Arbejde Operational Buyer Syddanmark DANFOSS A/S - jobtilbud
Do you have a background within SCM and are you theoretically well-founded? Then here is your opportunity to take ownership for and develop supplier performance on a range of global suppliers. You will have excellent opportunities to challenge yourself and develop your competencies in a large, global organization as well as work with engaged and competent colleagues. You will be part of the Global Procurement Organization and be based in Nordborg. Be part of the Operational Procurement team in Global Procurement You will join the Operational Procurement team, currently consisting of 2 Supplier Quality Engineers and 5 Operational Buyers, based in Nordborg, Easley and Minneapolis. We are an international unit working closely with Supply Chain in order to secure high quality and timely delivery. Serve as the link between Supply Chain & global suppliers As Operational Buyer, you will be responsible for a range of strategic procurement activities to ensure supplier performance and development on both short and long term basis. In doing so, you will be working across several globally operating functions and in particularly serve as the link between Supply Chain and external suppliers. Your key responsibilities will be to: •Coordinate Production Parts Approval Process for changes and new projects including worksheets, and purchase orders •Be the first escalation point for supply and/or quality issues in supply chain including documentation of supplier performance etc. •Drive capacity management towards suppliers •Support the categories in monitoring forecast versus supplier capacities •Coordinate ramp up and ramp down of new projects •Work out logistic agreements with selected suppliers •Facilitate supplier workshop to improve supplier performance & solve problems Excellent communicator with supplier management experience •You hold a university degree in business, manufacturing, quality, technology or alike •You are experienced within SCM or have solid theoretical knowledge within the field •Experience within planning/logistics is an advantage •You are an experienced Office Package and SAP user •Fluency in English, verbally and in writing, is a prerequisite •Fluency in Danish, verbally and in writing, is preferred You are an excellent communicator and coordinator with the ability to create results in close collaboration with others. Further, your problem solving and analytical skills are strong, and you continuously strive to and are motived by improving processes. For further information Please contact Stina Hakonsen Andersen on +45 3063 8991.
Arbejdsgiver Navn: DANFOSS A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 86825066
Job kort beskrivelse: Arbejde inden for samfundsøkonomi
land: Danmark
region: Syddanmark
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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