Arbejde Product Stewardship Coordinator in EMEA-DENMARK-HOVEDSTADEN-COPENHAGEN, Denmark-Hovedstaden-Copenhagen, Denmark-Aarhus-Brabrand Midtjylland DUPONT NUTRITION BIOSCIENCES APS - jobtilbud

Product Stewardship Coordinator in EMEA-DENMARK-HOVEDSTADEN-COPENHAGEN, Denmark-Hovedstaden-Copenhagen, Denmark-Aarhus-Brabrand

DuPont Nutrition & Health Product Stewardship function is responsible for developing and maintaining product stewardship governance tailored to the unique risk profile and requirements of the N&H product portfolio, assuring a responsible management of our products throughout their entire life cycle. As such, product stewardship function operates in close cooperation with Business, Quality & Food Safety and Regulatory Affairs groups in N&H as well as with Corporate DuPont PS&R teams. We are looking for a Product Stewardship Coordinator to lead the implementation of the Dupont Product stewardship management system in N&H, with main focus on Emulsifiers, gums and blends product portfolio. This position reports to the Nutrition and Health Product Stewardship leader. In this role, your main responsibilities will be to: -Prepare and lead initial and cyclic product stewardship reviews for the product lines. -Conduct risk assessments in conjunction with relevant experts in the organization. -Assess, prepare and present the product trail for BU product lines and applications. -Conduct product risk management in Management of Change (MOC) processes. -Approve risk communication documents. -Represent the Product Stewardship function in projects, notably new product commercialization (PCF). -Implement the N&H Product Stewardship policies, process and guidelines for the product portfolio. -Develop and follow-up on relevant product stewardship plans and programs. -Ensure Product Stewardship incidents are properly investigated and correctives actions implemented. -Support the sales and marketing, supply chain and technology teams in product stewardship activities. -Maintain Product Stewardship data and records in relevant databases. -Develop and deliver ad hoc training activities. -Contribute to cross organizational initiatives within the DuPont PS&R community. Qualifications You are a qualified candidate if you: -Have a Bachelor degree/engineering education in food science/food technology. -Have a minimum of 10 year of work experience in a food businesses. -Are knowledgeable in food ingredients and food additives composition, manufacture and application. -Are familiar with management systems and risk assessment methodologies, such as quality assurance and food safety management. -Have demonstrated ability to understand the scientific and regulatory trends in the food chain. -Are recognized for your ability to promote change and for your responsible communication skills. -Are dynamic, open-minded and able to operate in complex networks and matrix organizations. -Are available for international travels. -Are fluent in English, both in written and oral. - See more at:!*!1#sthash.iLtYsXSZ.dpuf


Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 89435000

Job kort beskrivelse: Arbejde med arkitektur, infrastruktur og design

land: Danmark

region: Midtjylland

Kontrakt varighed: Fast

Kontrakttype: Fuldtid

krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet

Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark


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