Arbejde Security Manager - Information Security Hovedstaden A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S (Maersk Drilling) - jobtilbud
Lyngby / Local / IT / Ref.: MD-072172 Would you like to take on a key role within the Information Security team, where you apply your business controller insights as well as your strong identity and access management knowledge? And can you help define, design and optimise identity and access management within a company committed to moving boundaries within the drilling industry? We Offer Maersk Drilling keeps on pushing the boundaries of what is possible in offshore drilling, giving you the chance to work in a fast paced and energetic multi-national environment. You will be part of the Information Security Section where you will be primary responsible for handling Identity and Access Management. As such, you will take on a central role, providing advice and guidance to the ERP programme, ensuring that Group and MD security standards and policies are applied and followed. With your proactive and collaborative approach, you promote and represent good information security to all levels and teams in the ERP community. At the same time, you drive ongoing risk management activities and constantly seek ways of optimising our processes. Our organisation is characterised by engagement, professionalism, trust and drive, and creates opportunities for individual achievement through teamwork. Key Responsibilities As Security Manager, you handle all aspects of identity and access management. This includes establishing audit trails and log availability according to ISO27001 and best practice. You also make sure that information security processes are embedded into the Business Unit’s core processes and you will work closely with departments and process owners to ensure alignment and facilitate proper governance are in place and agreed for key systems and applications. Furthermore, you define the security controls for core operational processes and systems. As part of this, you design appropriate security architecture to secure key control systems, and you manage the security elements of projects to ensure all projects meet security requirements. Part of your mission is to ensure alignment with Group Information Security policies, and you manage and oversee the delivery of security services by third parties. Also, you collaborate with stakeholders and colleagues within Maersk Drilling to identify and implement suitable, cost-effective risk mitigation strategies. Who we are looking for Preferably you have a past in one of the larger accounting companies working with business controlling and have evolved into the information security side. You have at least 5 years of experience managing and implementing information security frameworks within a similar size business. This includes experience with ERP and IAM implementations and a documented track record within these areas. With your solid knowledge of end-to-end information security policies, procedures and controls, you are able to generate efficiency and business enablement at the core of all information security activities. In addition, you are analytical in your approach to problems solving, and you are motivated by finding optimization opportunities in both systems and processes. Finally, you are a strong communicator and networker who thrive collaborating with several colleagues and stakeholders. You speak and write English at a high level. For further information, please contact: Claus Wiid Jakobsen, +45 6336 8580. Maersk Drilling is a core business unit within the A. P. Moller - Maersk Group, and we are aiming to double our size within the next 5 years. We design, develop and operate a global fleet of advanced drilling rigs using cutting edge technology and know-how. We create value with our customers through a unique service delivery concept where we customize safe, efficient and consistent drilling services. We build our service around our highly skilled and committed work force, our state of the art offshore drilling rigs and our 40 years of experience operating
Arbejdsgiver Navn: A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S (Maersk Drilling)
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 33633363
Job kort beskrivelse: Systemanalytikerarbejde
land: Danmark
region: Hovedstaden
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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