Arbejde Senior Web & eCommerce Consultant Syddanmark ECCO A/S - jobtilbud
Excellent opportunity to join and influence ECCO at a time with strong focus on moving closer to the customers and consumers via integrated and innovative Web & eCommerce capabilities. We are looking for a digital native with a proven ability to deliver significant business impact via Web & eCommerce but is hungry and ready for new challenges. You will join Group IT in a central role and collaborate closely with our Global Marketing and Global Sales departments in an agile, dynamic and global setting on realising ECCO’s ambitious growth plans. Job Profile: The main focus of this position will be to engage with the Sales & Marketing community to collaborate on translating the strategic business agenda into concrete initiatives. Develop and deploy the Solutions portfolio roadmap to fit the short and long-term requirements Your role will be to conceptualize our vision in terms of orchestrating changes to our IT landscape and take the lead on ensuring the execution of the necessary changes with respect to dependencies & sequencing. You most essential will be to take the lead on translating our architectural concepts into functional & technical requirements to our delivery partners and oversee that the delivery meets our expectations in terms of timing, functionality and architectural fit. Another key element will be to facilitate the transition of deliveries to our IT Operations & Support organization. Since the touch point to consumers & customers are multiple your playfield will also be wide and you will work with topics such as: • •B2B extranet & commerce •B2C commerce •Resting on a strong foundation – PIM, CRM, Loyalty, Integrating to our backend ERP & POS systems •Developing transparency, intelligence and semantics out of the Consumer Data You will join an organization where IT is an integrated part of the organization and where the is a will to invest in the necessary funds in pursuing the business aspirations. The position can be based out of either Amsterdam NL or Bredebro, DK Qualifications and Work Experience: Innovation does not come in the form of a Requirement Specification so we expect a profile that is process oriented and has strong collaboration and communication skills since the innovation comes via interaction with your peers in this arena. •Ideally you are a “digital native” with a couple of fast pace years having a lead role in the domain •Your most likely have a background as developer but has recently successfully taken more conceptual and leading roles leaving the hand-on realization to others but still orchestrated and overseen by you. •Comfortable in taking the lead in a complex area with many dependencies, where the pace is fast and people expect a constant stream of reliable and robust deliveries •You have Project management capabilities and experience •You have a “hybrid profile” – despite working in an IT organisation we do not expect you a lot of hands-on – we expect you excel in being able to pick-up on technical/business opportunities, identify potential partners, conceptualise and via an agile approach test new possibilities – both via dialogue with key stakeholders and via prototyping based on a “fail faster” approach •It is essential that you are innovative, conceptual and holistic with solid communication and networking skills hence able to create and articulate a vision supported high & low – in both IT and Business. •Proven track record in “doing great things” within Web or e-commerce. •Fluent in English (written and spoken) is essential, as is holding a university degree in a relevant subject. We offer: We offer a challenging and varied job with high degree of freedom to act in an international company constantly developing, and characterized by an informal environment and a good cooperation, where good initiatives and ideas are valued. Your continued personal and professional development is
Arbejdsgiver Navn: ECCO A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 74911625
Job kort beskrivelse: Softwareudvikling
land: Danmark
region: Syddanmark
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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