Arbejde Software Concepts Developer Midtjylland GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S - jobtilbud
Are you a specialist in developing software solutions and would you like to be a pioneer within new technology to influence Grundfos’ future products? Then here is your opportunity to become part of an area, where you actively get to use your curiosity and creativity to find new concepts, which may feature in our products and solutions. You join the international Research & Technology department and 6 colleagues in the Design & Software Concepts team. We are responsible for designing early product and solution concepts related to all Grundfos products. You become part of a small team responsible for defining the key technology and shaping the overall architecture of the future products and solutions, and you will work in various project teams for our different products. You refer to Manager, Peter Bertelsen. ”The team works closely with both Technical and Business Development, and our focus is on early development and learning. We need to create more solutions than what is needed in order to make room for play, experimentation and learning, and keep creativity flowing. We hope that you will use your curiosity and interest in new technology to shape and further develop our future products,” explains Peter. What is the job about? As Software Concepts Developer, your primary responsibility is to develop software for prototyping and demonstration of new technologies, combining business requirements and technologies into prototypes for market testing. Your main area of expertise will be in the area of database handling, analytics, and connection to front-end components. You implement functionality, according to the needs from the different business segments and use available data for new application features. You will be working in close collaboration with Business development and Research & Technology to ensure a close iteration loop between business ideas and early demonstration. As such, you evolve business ideas by use of “quick & dirty” mock-ups and early prototypes to prove technical feasibility of a business idea. Moreover, you build early prototypes by connecting new technology with existing components, products and data into new features or a new solution, following up with rapid evaluation of application concepts and technical solutions with regards to business feasibility. “This area of competence is one we would like to further build on in Grundfos. But right now, we are in the early stages. So both in terms of competences and products, you are breaking new grounds in the organisation,” says Peter. What do you need to apply? Maybe you are a creative Software Engineer with electronics insight and knowledge of hardware or you have a degree in IT with good experience from a similar position. Alternatively, you are a talented, recent graduate who likes to work with database, communication technologies, frontend and the link between business and technology. Moreover, you have experience with software for different database technologies, such as MySQL, Cassandra, and big data handling. It is a plus if you possess knowledge of tools and technologies such as iOS, Android, Matlab, Linux, Golang, Java, java script, LUA, TCP/IP, Database technologies, XML, HTML. Your English skills are excellent - verbally and in writing. “On a personal level, you are curious and ambitious with an entrepreneurial mind-set. Being both agile and holistic in your thinking, you know that failing fast may lead to sooner success. You have an outgoing personality and are able to draw from “ad hoc” capabilities and solutions across Grundfos R&D. And finally, you are comfortable with iterative work methods,” finishes Peter.
Arbejdsgiver Navn: GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 87501400
Job kort beskrivelse: Softwareudvikling
land: Danmark
region: Midtjylland
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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