Arbejde Software Developer Syddanmark HESEHUS A/S - jobtilbud

stillingsbetegnelse: Software Developer

Are you ready to take the responsibility for providing some of Denmark’s largest webshops with lightning quick response times when thousands of users shop at the same time on Black Friday? Would you like to become part of one of Denmark’s best e-commerce teams and develop business critical solutions? If so, we and our customers have the challenges for you. Hesehus is the place to be. We pull together and work as a team with a common goal: To make our customers winners of the future. Our IT company works every day with some of Denmark's most interesting customers and develops ambitious e-commerce solutions and product databases on the .NET platform. We are looking for qualified and impassioned developers who have the ambition to be the best in their field. Who never say no to challenges and who every day want to create interesting and sophisticated solutions that lift our customers' businesses to a higher level and create measurable successes. And not least who can help ensure that we will still be the preferred provider within ambitious e-commerce in three years. What are we offering? Our company is looking for the potential in the individual person and promotes the talent in everybody. And we believe that an innovative environment creates innovative solutions. You will become part of the largest development environment in Funen where you will have more than 50 committed and professionally highly qualified developer colleagues. And you will be in a place where you will have the opportunity to use all of your competences. We expect a lot from you – and in return you can expect to always receive competent and constructive feedback on your tasks and questions. You can also expect to a have a challenging and varied working day in which you in your team will be included in all phases of the project. We develop and work with the most complete own developed platform in the market and therefore also with the latest technology. We work with ambitious projects of up to several thousand hours, management of multisite solutions around the world, sophisticated integrations for several customer systems and we help our customers to increase the bottom line. Most important is that we are close to the customers and you as a developer. We use Jira as our project management tool and we work a lot with use cases. And not least, we are really good at being good colleagues and creating a healthy, social, dynamic and fun working environment. When you start When you start working, you will be part of a mentor programme with focus on your professional development. So if you are not already experienced in developing sophisticated and optimised web solutions for customers who have high demands for quality, performance and scalability, we will make sure that you gain this experience. Hesehus is organised in a flat and team-based structure where you have every possibility of influencing your working day and developing yourself. In our opinion, everybody is valuable – and we are looking forward to welcoming you as our new colleague. Who are you? You are passionate about development at the highest level. You have a higher education within IT. You are quality conscious and structured in your work and it comes naturally to you to take the responsibility for your tasks. You are service-minded, good at working in a team and you can quickly solve advanced issues. Send your application with relevant attachments as soon as possible to job (at) and write Developer’ in the subject field. We call for interviews on an ongoing basis and employ when we find the right person for the job. If you have any questions, please contact HR consultant Mia Grodt at miag (at) or on mobile: +45 2132 2131. Hesehus A/S is an IT company with 70 employees in great offices located on the harbour of Odense. We specialise in the development of ambitious e-commerce solutions. We provide the market’s most complete software platform targeted at B2C and B2B companies th

Arbejdsgiver Navn: HESEHUS A/S

Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 65915180

Sådan ansøger: msj (at)

Job kort beskrivelse: Softwareudvikling

land: Danmark

region: Syddanmark

Kontrakt varighed: Fast

Kontrakttype: Fuldtid

krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet

Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark


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