Arbejde Student opportunity within Electrical Engineering and Product Developmen Midtjylland GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S - jobtilbud
Student opportunity within Electrical Engineering and Product Developmen
Hvad tilbyder vi? Would you like to help develop innovative electrical solutions for future Grundfos pumps? Are you looking for an opportunity to sharpen your competencies and use your theoretical knowledge global company? Twice a year we open up for unsolicited applications from students interested in a student job, an internship or project collaboration. This is your chance to sell your competences, your ambitions and your ideas to relevant managers in our organisation. We advise you to make your motivation letter as specific as possible. The more concrete you can be concerning desired work tasks or project theme, the better we can match you with business needs. Grab a unique opportunity to join one of Denmark’s most successful companies driven by innovation, sustainability and thus high ambitions. At Grundfos, we develop, produce and sell some of the worlds’ most efficient and energy saving pumps and pump solution across the globe. We help our customers save natural resources and reduce climate impact. As we believe that everyone in Grundfos has passion and potential - as well as the power to influence, you will be an appreciated, respected and completely updated employee that can add to - and up-date - our business. Accordingly, you will have the chance to truly develop your competencies by gaining professional experience in an inspiring and agile learning environment. Hvad drejer jobbet sig om? You will have the opportunity to work closely with highly experienced specialists within electronics. This includes working with electronic development for Grundfos’ pumps and pump systems, covering e.g. control and speed regulation as well as working with regulatory and thermic requirements. You will participate in the development projects on equal terms with other project members, and thus be responsible for deliveries to the projects. Here, you may participate in designing, developing and testing the solutions, including analysis test results. As you participate in real-life challenges, you will need to show us where you can contribute with your experience and knowledge, and actively take part in defining your tasks. As we have numerous other students, you will participate in our internal network hosted by the Graduates in Grundfos Graduate Programme. Here you can meet with other students to share experiences, gain more insight or just have fun in “Archimedes’ Club”. Hvad skal der til for at ansøge? To be considered for a student opportunity within Electrical Engineering , you are studying an Electrical Engineering degree. You have an international outlook and speak and write fluent English. It is important to have a good understanding of working in a large organisation, and seeking knowledge across the organisation. Furthermore we expect you to want to share new ideas and perspectives as well as push the existing boundaries to help move us forward. Yderligere information: You apply for a student opportunity by uploading your CV and motivation letter in our online application system. IMPORTANT: This posting is not an actual position, but serves as a window for unsolicited applications. We cannot guarantee that you will receive an offer. The selection of students is based on current business needs. Please note that this job posting is only for students studying a higher education. If you are not a student, we kindly refer you to our other job vacancies or to register in our job bank by using the link to the right. Applications will be read continuously while the application window is open. All applicants will receive an answer within 10 days after closing date. We encourage you to send your application as soon as possible.
Arbejdsgiver Navn: GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 87501400
land: Danmark
region: Midtjylland
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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