Arbejde Technical Specification Specialist Syddanmark MAERSK CONTAINER INDUSTRY A/S - jobtilbud
Maersk Container Industry is looking for a Technical Specification Specialist who is specialized in Control Engineering/Software technology and can contribute with a high level of experience within these areas. We Offer As Technical Specification Specialist, you will be part of a highly engaged team working with one of the most advanced products in the industry, the Star Cool (SC) Refrigeration machine. You will be focusing on the software specification and control, and have the opportunity to evolve your skills in the development of new and existing functions of the SC Refrigeration unit. Further, you will get a unique insight into a worldwide organisation and an exciting industry. In your everyday work, you will experience a high degree of independence in a flexible work environment where innovation and quality are prioritised on equal terms with personal and professional welfare. You will also be able to communicate with various parties in different cultures. Key Responsibilities The future Technical Specification Specialist will be developing and im-proving the functional specification for the Star Cool refrigeration ma-chines’ controller software. Your task is both to work with theoretical and practical solutions. Your two main responsibilities will be: • To maintain/optimize the functional specification • To perform operational development and test of software Besides your technical tasks you will also be the link between external suppliers and the internal parties within the software area. The future Technical Specification Specialist must be able to drive various projects on his/her own becoming an integrated part of the overall SC Engineering department. Who we are looking for In order to succeed in this job, you have several years of practical experience in writing technical specifications. Furthermore, you are used to working on several projects simultaneously without compromising the quality. Ideally you have a software background and/or Msc/Bsc in Engineering and system control. As a person you are structured and have a detail-oriented approach to your tasks. You are independent, have strong analytical skills and are good at technical communication. Furthermore you enjoy working in a fast paced environment. You speak and write English fluently. For further information, please contact: HR Consultant, Ying Sun, +45 7364 3411.Applications will be reviewed continually, until a suited candidate has been identified. Apply: MCI, a part of A.P. Moller - Maersk Group, is a global company manufacturing world-class transportation equipment solutions to a global customer base. MCI headquarter is located in Tinglev, Denmark, while our production facilities are situated in China - MCI Qingdao (MCIQ) & MCI Dongguan (MCID). Today, the MCI Group employs about 5000 people and offers three unique products: dry containers (produced in MCID), reefer containers and Star Cool reefer machines (produced in MCIQ). We are currently building a new reefer factory in Chile named MCI San Antonio (MCIS) which will be fully operational in May, 2014.
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 73643400
land: Danmark
region: Syddanmark
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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