Arbejde Turbine loads specialist-160002M2 Midtjylland Vestas Wind System A/S - jobtilbud
Do you have vast hands-on experience with product and technology development? Are you independent and autonomous? Would you like to be challenged as loads specialist on demanding and innovating projects? Then you might be the right candidate for the position as Turbine Loads Specialist. Service & Plant Solutions > Service Engineering > Electrical Engineering Vestas Technology & Service Solutions is where new product ideas are developed, matured, improved and tested. To put it short, we are shaping the future of modern energy and we operate on a global scale. Service Engineering focuses on engineering solutions to optimize the performance of the vast fleet of Vestas turbines in operation across the world. We do that by introducing upgrade technologies to enhance production, extend the lifetime and reduce the service cost of the turbines to the benefit of the customers. In the Electrical Engineering department a dedicated team of turbine electrical experts bring together the need of the customer and the new technologies of Vestas to engineer the smartest service solution in the market. Responsibilities As Loads Specialist in Electrical Engineering you will be a core member of the engineering specialist team that brings together the ideas across the electrical area into value adding projects. You are strong within your own area, hence your area of responsibility will be: Turbine Load calculations and modelling. Turbine structural stability. Verification of simulations models based on measurements on prototype turbines. Power curve and noise calculations. Besides these areas you also possess a broad insight and understanding of the turbine components and control strategy. Qualifications You have: An M.Sc. within structural or mechanical engineering. Extensive knowledge within dynamic simulations of structural or mechanical systems. Extensive knowledge on design of structural components with respect to fatigue and extreme loads. Minimum 7 years relevant experience within wind turbine control. Minimum 2 years of relevant specialist level experience. You probably also have: Experience with the tools Flex5, Bladed or HAWC2. Programming experience preferably in Matlab. Knowledge on control of mechanical systems. Competencies You have a creative and pragmatic approach to new challenges, a natural flair for innovation and you thrive with varied tasks and challenging projects. Being self-reliant is important to succeed. On a daily basis you are capable of working independent requiring that you a detailed focus on planning your work and the processes which you are responsible for. Being proactive, sharing knowledge and collaborating across the organization with colleagues and stakeholders comes naturally to you. As loads specialist it is important that you are result oriented with a strong focus on the task being able to meet your deadlines with the right quality. What we offer We offer an opportunity to be part of a strong team in an exciting business with very comprehensive products. The working environment in Engineering Solution is informal but with clear direction. You will be part of a project-oriented organization with an inspiring work environment. You will be offered an attractive compensation package based on your qualifications and the demands of this position. The position also contains the possibility for much empowerment for the right person. You will be part of an international organization with opportunities to grow and develop in the job – professionally and personally. Additional information Primary work location Aarhus, Denmark. Please send you application as soon as possible as we will close the position when we find the right candidate. WIND. IT MEANS THE WORLD TO US. By joining Vestas, you join the only global energy company dedicated 100% to wind energy. Together with our customers, we have installed more than 51.000 turbines in over 70 countries, and we remain committed to increase that number via ou
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Vestas Wind System A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 97 30 00 00
Job kort beskrivelse: Ingeniørarbejde i industri og produktion
land: Danmark
region: Midtjylland
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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