Arbejde UI/UX Interaction Designer Syddanmark DANFOSS POWER ELECTRONICS A/S - jobtilbud
Auto req ID : 1773BR Official Title : UI/UX Interaction Designer Job Area : Sales & Marketing Country / Countries : Denmark Location : Gråsten Job Description Are you dedicated to enhancing the customer experience by aligning and designing customer touch points through UI/UX interactive solutions? Then you could be our new UI/UX Interaction Designer at Danfoss Power Electronics. Our ambition is to elevate the Danfoss Power Electronics brand identity by enhancing the customer experience using our skills, experience and business insight into developing value creating UI/UX interactive solutions. We are striving to combine functionality, usability and business benefit into products meeting the demand for next generation solutions. You will become part of a highly entrepreneurial environment and are offered a unique opportunity to impact the future development of the entire business unit product portfolio. Bring concepts to life and help customers reach their goals faster and smarter You mission will be to ensure that our products create value for our customers by conceptualising complex functionalities into intuitive and innovative UI/UX design. As part of our User Experience Programme team you focus on the end2end customer lifecycle activities designing intuitive customer touch points. You bring our concepts to life via user cases and personas and validate the best user experience. This means you play a key role ensuring concepts and designs are implemented from idea to prototype. Among other key responsibilities are to: •Create a strong aligned brand identity and aligned user experience across customer touch points •Help customers reach their goal faster and smarter •Conceptualise and design intuitive and consistent user interfaces •Evaluate and document proof of concept •Develop and maintain UI style guides You will be working cross-functionally to create stunning interfaces that facilitate what users want to do, and delight them along the way. You will streamline products and stimulate original ideas that bring simplicity and ease of use to complex design. This is an exclusive opportunity to build a wide international network developing and implementing our next generation concept across Danfoss Power Electronics and a unique chance to rocket your career within the organization. Commercial flair and solid product management experience You have a bachelor’s or a master’s degree in interaction design backed by solid experience with UI/UX interaction design and product management. Furthermore, we expect you to have strong knowledge within cross-platform and transmedia design. You are energised by new trends, frameworks and technologies within UI/UX and have the ability to evaluate the longer-term value and quality of new developments. Your track record shows strong design knowledge about UI standards, design patterns, usability guidelines, platform conventions and vendor style guides. You have a multidisciplinary mind that knows how to navigate and bridge visual concepts and technological challenges. You are structured and proactive, and you have well-developed cooperation competences which you can apply among a diverse group of colleagues. You are holistic and data based, and you understand how to work in a truly global environment. Fluency in written and spoken English is a prerequisite for this position. For further information about the position, please contact Director, User Experience Program René Ellegaard Andersen on +45 2966 1068
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 74 88 22 22
Job kort beskrivelse: Elektromekanikerarbejde
land: Danmark
region: Syddanmark
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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