Arbejde Project Manager Midtjylland KK WIND SOLUTIONS A/S - jobtilbud
AT KK Wind Solutions we are experiencing high demand for our solutions and we are looking for Project Managers for different business units within KK Wind Solutions A/S KK Wind Solutions A/S is an international market leader with more than 35 years of experience in delivering innovative and reliable solutions for the wind industry. With a strong focus on innovation and integration, combined with insights from their experience in this area, KK Wind Solutions have managed to position ourselves in the forefront of the renewable industry. Globally the company are approx. 800 employees, with operations and sales offices on three continents. Ensure professional project execution of global customer projects As Project Manager, you will work globally and have a versatile and challenging role with managing specific customer projects within areas such as sales or operation. The project scope and responsibilities will vary from project to project, and could involve project management disciplines from specifications, design and production to delivery/installation on site to customer driven product development and production implementation. Project Managers at KK Wind Solutions guarantee professional project execution, which ensure customer and stakeholder engagement as well as improvement of the project management tools, process and execution. Key Responsibilities: • Lead and coordinate project activities internally at KK Wind Solutions • Lead, execute and track the projects with respect to deadlines, resources, economy, deliverables and quality • Manage project risks with the customer • Scope and change management with the customer • Cross-organizational and cross sites-team management • Clear and proactive communication with the customer • Handle changes and keeping track of consequences • Stakeholder management (internal/external) • Participate in initial customer meetings • Secure internal structures, as e.g. project model, is followed and optimized As Project Manager, your performance will be measured through specified KPI´s such as planning, budgeting and delivery on time as well as customer satisfaction. Project management experience from an international organisation. We look for candidates with a technical or engineering background i.e. Electric-, Mechanic-, Industrial-, Production Engineer and preferable a minimum of 3 years of experience from a similar position in an international company and a profound understanding of customer-oriented project management. You have a high drive, structured approach and you are robust as well as a strong communicator who communicates fluently in English. Please apply for the position in English.
Arbejdsgiver Navn: KK WIND SOLUTIONS A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 97221033
Job kort beskrivelse:
Ledelse af hovedaktiviteten inden for fremstillingsvirksomhed (undtagen landbrug, skovbrug og fiskeri)
land: Danmark
region: Midtjylland
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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