Arbejde Support Manager - Wireless Products Syddanmark DANFOSS A/S - jobtilbud
Are you an experienced and talented professional with a strong drive for performance and are you a natural when it comes to customer service? And do you possess knowledge when it comes to wireless products and do you have excellent skills in transforming customer feedback into R&D language? Then you might be the new Support Manager we are looking for. Customer service and secure procedures of wireless products With direct reference to the Portfolio and ERC Director, you will be entering into a newly established position where you will be responsible for securing optimum cooperation with our after sales organisations in the Danfoss Sales Company. Furthermore, you will secure information flow between costumer feedback and complaints and our Quality and R&D Departments as well as you drive, extend and optimise the support call centre. As Support Manager, your main focus will be on the need of the customer and on the transformation of the customers spoken and latent problems into technical language understood by R&D. You will develop strong relations with the sales force, and you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the R&D universe in order to be the link between R&D and our customers. Other tasks include: •Provide fast and precise support/guidance •Secure technical knowledge within the area •Provide customer support •Improve knowledge of typical call back issues in sales •Secure alignment with overall strategies •Act as customer support expert for sales and external stakeholders •Collect and evaluate customer feedback •Secure daily support for Danfoss’ different sales companies when needed •Optimise and secure high quality at all times at our call centers Customer support, technical understanding with high service gene You have an electrical engineer background, or a Bachelor of Technology Management and Marine Engineering and you have some experience from a related position. You have a proven track record within costumer service and you have gained extensive knowledge of connected products. It is an advantage if you have knowledge on European heating systems. As a person, you are outgoing, innovative, and service minded and you have a strong will to win. You thrive when given responsibility as you are dedicated to creating impact, and you do what it takes to get the job done. You are consistent, independent and proactive, and you are confident in your own decisions. With your excellent communication skills and ability to communicate on all levels, you are able to constantly maintain costumer focus and transform customer feedback into R&D language. Moreover, you possess the ability to stand your ground even under pressure from stakeholders. Last, but not least you are fluent in both written and spoken English. For further information about the position, please contact Director, Portfolio & ERC Hans Erik Larsen on +45 23261459. Danfoss is a global leader focused on energy-efficient solutions that save energy and costs, and reduce carbon emissions. The company’s wide range of products and services are used in areas such as cooling food, air conditioning, heating buildings, controlling electric motors and powering mobile machinery. The company is also active in the field of solar and wind power as well as district heating and cooling infrastructure for cities and urban communities. Danfoss was founded in 1933 in Nordborg, Denmark. Today, the Group employs around 23,000 employees and sells its products in more than 100 countries around the world. Read more about Danfoss at Learn about our energy-efficient solutions at:
Arbejdsgiver Navn: DANFOSS A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 74888500
Job kort beskrivelse: Ingeniørarbejde inden for elektronik
land: Danmark
region: Syddanmark
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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