Arbejde Apps Software Developer - iOS Hovedstaden GN STORE NORD A/S - jobtilbud
Jabra is looking for an Apps Software Developer for our Software Engineering Department. The Software Engineering department is part of the highly professional R&D organization and responsible for specification, design, implementation and testing of software for Jabra's products including the supporting software solutions. Our products cover a number of different technical aspects such as USB, audio, Bluetooth, DECT, various operating systems and smartphones in new and exciting combinations. Software Engineering is a truly global organization represented in Ballerup/Denmark, Nashua/USA, Xiamen/China and Bangalore/India. Responsibilities and tasks You will be based in our team of apps software developers but taking an active cross-functional role in our product programs. This involves working with: • Apps software development for iOS • Software development in all phases such as analysis, requirements, design, usability, implementation, online help, installation and internal unit and release test • Investigating and introducing new technologies to Jabra • Planning, interfacing and negotiating software deliveries with other program team members • Review, merge and lead integration of software deliverables from partners Qualifications and experience We are looking for an experienced software developer who is able to work in an international environment towards internal as well as external customers: • Education as an engineer or similar • 5 years’ experience as Apps Software Developer • Objective C for iOS, X-Code and unit testing framework(s) • Design patterns, UML, state-event, hierarchical and structured design • Systematic approach to problem solving, documentation and testing • Passionate about quality, usability and the use of best practices, methodologies and modern tools • Agile development, e.g. Lean or Scrum • Software development interfacing to peripherals is preferred Your personal profile • Ability to work globally with several different cultures • Proactive, goal-oriented and focused on completion • Team-oriented, good communication and cooperation skills • Excellent English, both spoken and written How to apply and contact info Interested? Apply as soon as possible and before December 7. Interviews are held on an ongoing basis during November and the position may be filled before the deadline. To apply, please upload a short cover letter with your motivation for applying together with your CV (preferably in one document). Use the apply button at the bottom of this page or at If you need additional information, please contact Software Director, Søren Skov Andersen at +45 30383188. GN Netcom Through its Jabra brand, GN Netcom is a world leader in the development, manufacturing and marketing of headsets and speakerphones. With a reputation for innovation, reliability, and ease of use that goes back more than two decades, GN Netcom’s consumer and business divisions produce corded and wireless communication and audio solutions that empower individuals and businesses through increased freedom of movement, comfort and functionality. GN Netcom employs approximately 925 people worldwide.
Arbejdsgiver Navn: GN STORE NORD A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 72111888
Job kort beskrivelse: Systemanalytikerarbejde
land: Danmark
region: Hovedstaden
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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