Arbejde Chemical Compliance Specialist Midtjylland GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S - jobtilbud

stillingsbetegnelse: Chemical Compliance Specialist

Would you like to be part of our go-to team for chemical compliance? Then this is your chance to impact the entire organisation, exposing you to a broad network. You hold that specialist knowledge we need - and with your passion for working in detail, you will be part of setting the direction for our compliance and help ensure sustainability in our materials and products. You will join our Global Approvals department with 16 colleagues working to support the Global Development & Engineering organisation on product safety, compliance and sustainability, packaging design, and 3rd party certification. Most of your colleagues are based in Bjerringbro, Denmark, but you also have colleagues in Hungary and China. Here, you will be part of a team of 4 colleagues, making up Sustainable Product Solutions, where we drive environmental, sustainability and compliance related tasks in connection to our products. You refer to Senior Manager, Global Approvals, Katrina Sonne Einhorn. ”There is a great atmosphere and an international feel to the team. Your 4 new colleagues are passionate about continuously improving how Grundfos works with compliance and sustainability in product development. In particular, you will work closely with one other Chemical Compliance Specialist who is a true professional, and you will also spar across the department for input and knowledge,” Katrina explains. What is the job about? Being responsible for chemical compliance, you work closely with the other Chemical Compliance Specialist on the implementation and operation of an IT system to keep track of all our chemical compliance data. This entails maintaining the IT system, ensuring it is always up to date with relevant legislation, thereby continuously securing compliance and allowing specific customer requests to be checked efficiently and on a regular basis. Moreover, you reply to customer enquiries regarding chemical compliance of Grundfos products. You also collaborate with Procurement to make sure all suppliers deliver compliant materials, and you support the Global Development & Engineering organisation with verifying chemical compliance of all new and existing products. Thus, you are responsible for securing and documenting that materials and components are compliant with world-wide chemical legislation and meet the requirements of our customers regarding non-use of certain hazardous substances. Furthermore, you contribute to improving chemical compliance processes and workflow. “Your challenge will be to work in a large organisation with many touch points - from Sales and Procurement to Production, Development and even Legal. You need to be able to be the specialist, while at the same time maintaining a large network, providing your colleagues with regulatory training and input,” Katrina says. What do you need to apply? You hold a university degree or equivalent in chemistry, chemical engineering or similar - and you wish to use your skills to work with compliance. Thus, you have experience working with chemical compliance and legislation (i.e. REACH, RoHS, etc.). In addition, you have a good understanding of mechanics, production and environmental engineering as well as a good business understanding. It is an advantage, if you have previously worked with SAP. And you speak and write English fluently. It is a plus, if you speak German as well. “On a personal level, you are outgoing, persistent and influential, allowing you to ensure support and momentum in projects. You take a structured and detailed approach, which helps you identify the key issues in a given task. And while you thrive being the specialist who goes into detail, you also know how to communicate and use your specialist knowledge in collaboration with colleagues,” Katrina finishes.

Arbejdsgiver Navn: GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S

Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 87501400

Job kort beskrivelse: Arbejde inden for kemi

land: Danmark

region: Midtjylland

Kontrakt varighed: Fast

Kontrakttype: Fuldtid

krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet

Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark


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