Arbejde Installation Specialist-1400017H Midtjylland Vestas Wind Systems A/S - jobtilbud
Transport & Handling is a sub-department withinTechnology & Service Solutions (TSS), Vestas R&D organization. Thedepartment is accountable for developing and maintaining standard workprocesses and tools for Transport, Installation and Maintenance of windturbines. Responsibilities: Transport & Handling Processes is a part of Transport & Handling. The team is overall responsible forstandard work processes within Transport, Installation and Maintenance of windturbines. In terms of Installation the responsibilities are: •Development and implementation of mechanical completionchecklists for wind turbines •Development of standard work processes for installation ofwind turbines •Optimization of installation in terms of cost reduction andquality improvements •Prepare installation processes for being illustrated •Specification of standard work time for wind turbine installation •Secure that installation is taken into account whendesigning new products •Direct support to our construction business As Installation Specialist you are expected to be one of ourinternal installation/construction experts. You will in close cooperation withour component designers define the needed installation processes and you will ensure that cost seen from an operational perspective is taken into account. To ensure control with the process baseline you will clock the standard work time for the installation tasks, and in cooperation with our Technical Illustratorsand Process Engineers you will ensure that the processes are documented invisual guides. Based on the processes you will define process requirements forinstallation tools in close cooperation with our tools designers. Your main responsibilities will be: •Define mechanical completion checklists in close cooperation with component designers and our construction business •Define standard work processes, standard work time and make P-FMEAs related to the work processes •Define process requirements for installation tools •Lead and implement optimization of wind turbineinstallation and related work processes Your primary day to day tasks will be to: •Define, prepare and optimize mechanical completion checklists •Define, clock and optimize standard work processes relatedto installation tasks •Implementation of process requirements for tools in closecooperation with our tools designers •Risk assess processes through P-FMEAs •Support development of visual guides and documentation forwork processes •Participation in technical reviews as installation Specialist •Provide business support to our constructionbusiness Qualifications: •At least 5 years of proven experience within installation of wind turbines or power production units •Educated/trained Installation Technician, Mechanical Engineeror Marine Engineer (or similar) •An additional certification in Six Sigma or similar is an advantage Competencies: •High level knowledge about installation of wind turbines or other structures which requires crane for installation. •Experience with LEAN or Six Sigma •Good general IT skills •Experience with project management or planning •Good communication skills in English, both written and verbal •Proven ability to work independently and in teams, underpressure •Capable of cooperating with colleagues in a professionaland positive manner What we offer: We offer an exciting and challenging job in a dynamic work environment. You will be part of a professional and dedicated team with focus on quality, high performance and an open-minded and informal working environment. You will have a broad interface and work closely with people from all over the organizationand on all organizational levels.
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Vestas Wind Systems A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 00000000
land: Danmark
region: Midtjylland
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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