Arbejde International Trial Manager Hovedstaden Novo NordiskA/S - jobtilbud

stillingsbetegnelse: International Trial Manager

- Research & Development - Denmark - Søborg In this job, a high number of people worldwide depend on you to develop the world’s best diabetes treatments. If you find challenges like this exciting and inspiring, then we may have the right job for you. About the department Clinical Operations GLP-1 & Obesity is looking for an International Trial Manager. We are a large area of enthusiastic colleagues in positions as International Trial Managers, Clinical Trial Administrators and Clinical Project Managers. We are responsible for the set-up and execution of phase 2-4 studies within our Victoza® and future GLP-1 development portfolios targeting diabetes and obesity therapies. Our environment is characterised by a vast global network, knowledge sharing and challenging assignments in a dynamic project centric organisation which offers continuous personal and professional development opportunities. The job As International Trial Manager you will be responsible for timely planning, execution and finalisation of clinical trials, using your operational and therapeutic experience. You will coordinate trial management activities in a proactive fashion through clear communication and good team work. As a chairperson of the Study Group/International Study Group you will organise and execute team meetings and ensure the involvement of relevant stakeholders for decision making. Moreover, you will be instrumental in setting up and running Investigator and Monitor meetings. You have a structured and analytical approach during development of critical trial documents like the trial protocol, and at the same time you have an eye for important details while keeping the overview. You are able to digest complex data output and to evaluate the adequate levels of quality in all you do. Finally you work in an independent manner and assume significant responsibilities. By joining us you will get the opportunity to further develop your competencies within trial management in an international headquarter environment. Qualifications You hold a university degree in natural science or equivalent with experience in trial management related positions. You have a broad knowledge of clinical trial methodology as well as good presentation, communication and negotiation skills. A quality mind set is a must, together with a focus on meeting deadlines, communicating effectively and knowing how to prioritise between different tasks in a dynamic environment. You are a dedicated team player with a high degree of flexibility and cross-cultural awareness who inspires trust amongst colleagues and partners. Proficiency in written and spoken English is essential. At Novo Nordisk, your skills, dedication and ambition help us change lives for the better. In exchange, we offer you an opportunity to work with extraordinary talent and benefit from a range of possibilities for professional and personal development. Contact For further information, please contact Jon Bugge at +45 3075 7698. Deadline 13 April 2015.

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Novo NordiskA/S

Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 44448888

Arbejdsgiver faxnummer: 44442314

Job kort beskrivelse: Farmaceutarbejde

land: Danmark

region: Hovedstaden

Kontrakt varighed: Fast

Kontrakttype: Fuldtid

krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet

Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark


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