Arbejde Reservoir Engineer Syddanmark Maersk Oil A/S - jobtilbud
Do you have reservoir experience from mature field offshore operations? Are you looking for a challenge that can take your experience and skills to a new level? Then come join our multidisciplinary team of specialists and be our next Reservoir Engineer on the Dan Field. We Offer You will be working on the West Flank of the Dan Field asset, Denmark’s largest oil field in terms of ultimate recovery. It is a mature, water flooded chalk reservoir, which has been developed in phases using vertical, hydraulically fractured wells at first, with subsequent developments using increasingly long horizontal wells with multiple zones. A programme to restore wells and improve conformance have been started up. This role is about helping restore the water flood of the field and keeping strong focus on the short and mid-term optimisation opportunities. Thus, you will have the possibilities to use your skills, develop competencies and deliver results, as the West Flank is a highly important part of the field, and provides great opportunities for anyone working on it. You will be part of a team of specialists – from Process Engineers to Production Technologists – who cooperate across functions, share technical knowledge often, and possess an ingrained, positive team spirit. Further, at Maersk Oil you will be part of an environment where you experience willingness to innovate, have opportunities to contribute your know-how and ideas, and get varied international challenges. Key Responsibilities You will be responsible for the short and mid-term optimization of production and water injection, to ensure the best management of the asset reservoir and well choke. Your tasks include: Monitoring and optimizing production and injection Identifying and managing well and reservoir opportunities Defining targets on production, water injection and gas lift (weekly, monthly and yearly) Driving water injection optimization (SRT, FOS, Tracer etc) and gas lift optimization (PipeSim, Prosper and GAP modelling) Conducting data validation, allocation and reconciliation, and contributing to Well and Reservoir Reviews Designing and interpreting reservoir intervention campaigns Who we are looking for MSc in Reservoir/Petroleum Engineering Probably 3-5 years of experience in Reservoir/Petroleum Engineering, preferably from mature field offshore operations Proven ability to skillfully apply a broad RE tool-kit for reservoir optimization (Prosper/GAP/ PipeSim) Fluent in written and spoken technical English It is important that you are a strong team player with good communication and collaboration skills. Being a bit of a go-getter, you possess personal drive and a firm sense of urgency. Finally, you are analytical and take a systematic approach to your work. Last application date: 15 December 2015. Maersk Oil is proud of its 40-year track record finding and developing oil and gas with partners globally. We focus on pioneering technologies and harnessing talent to operate safely and successfully, creating value for partners and host governments. Operated production is about 550,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day from assets in Denmark, the UK, Qatar, Kazakhstan, the US Gulf of Mexico, Brazil and Algeria. Exploration activities are ongoing in Angola, Norway, Greenland, Kurdistan Region of Iraq and in the producing countries. As part of the Maersk Group, which has existed for more than 100 years and operates in more than 130 countries, we're backed by a worldwide conglomerate that is renowned for its long-term investment strategies, impressive history and strong values. For more information about Maersk Oil, please visit the website at
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Maersk Oil A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 00000000
Job kort beskrivelse: Ingeniørarbejde i industri og produktion
land: Danmark
region: Syddanmark
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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