Arbejde Microsoft Exchange Specialist Hovedstaden NORDEA BANK DANMARK A/S - jobtilbud
Inspiring position as a technical Specialist in Collaboration Services covering the messaging area responsibility. Messaging unit is responsible technical service provider and we plan, build, test, implements, as well as manage and optimize changes, mainly related to the MS Exchange solution and its base components. The position we offer We offer a flexible and casual work environment, as well as on-the-job training to support your personal growth. You will have an opportunity to contribute with new ideas and we welcome your fresh perspective. A technical specialist in Collaboration Services is responsible for planning, designing, building, and supporting of the end user platforms and related services. Manage installation, maintenance and support of complex technical infrastructures, hardware, and system software components. Manage and tune platforms to ensure that expected availability and performance levels are achieved. Participating in infrastructure projects and problem task forces providing technical expertise on matters related to Windows infrastructure area. By joining the Nordea team you will gain: •Opportunity to participate in ambitious international IT projects •Full Time position based on an employment contract •Comprehensive training program to prepare for this position •Work based on international standards using state-of-the-art tools •Possibility to participate in training programs enhancing your qualifications •An incentive package that includes a medical services package for you and your family, a sports card, catering and cinema tickets funding, a possibility to join a corporate life insurance scheme •Access to Employee Pension Scheme The qualifications you need You have in-depth understanding in the Messaging services, and: •At least 3 years of experience of technical MS Exchange platform •Demonstrable experience with developing and designing Exchange platform •You are a team player and have the ability to work and collaborate with colleagues in remote offices and in different time zones, and are used to work in projects •Experience of developing and managing HA Infrastructure across multi data centre environments •Good understanding of Microsoft Active Directory architecture and operations •Problem-solving skills, service-oriented and solution driven •Has strong oral and written communication and consensus-building skills enabling effective communication to audiences at all levels of the organization •You have a lots of positive energy and engagement Products you have experience in: •Microsoft Exchange 2010/2013 •Encryption technologies (TLS, S/MINE) •Active Directory •PowerShell More information and send application Please include permit for processing personal data in CV as following: “I give my permission for the processing of my personal data that is essential for the recruitment process in Nordea Bank AB branch in Poland, in accordance with the Act of 29.08.1997 on the Protection of Personal Data (Journal of Laws No. 133, item 883 amended)”. We reserve the right to reply only to selected applications
Arbejdsgiver Navn: NORDEA BANK DANMARK A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 70333333
Arbejdsgiver faxnummer: 33700466
Job kort beskrivelse: Systemanalytikerarbejde
land: Danmark
region: Hovedstaden
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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