Arbejde Student Assistant, HR Hovedstaden A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S (Maersk Drilling) - jobtilbud

stillingsbetegnelse: Student Assistant, HR

Lyngby / Hourly-Part time / Finance-Economics / Ref.: MD-074151 Do you have flair for IT and Communications? Do you want to be a part of an international and engaged HR department which support a highly skilled, dynamic and international organisation? Then you should apply for the position as Student Assistant in Maersk Drilling HR department. We Offer The HR department in Maersk Drilling, part of the A.P. Moller – Maersk Group, is looking for a high caliber Student Assistant to work in our team. We offer an exciting position where you will have the opportunity to use your proactive, dedicated and ambitious mind-set in solving the tasks given. We are committed to providing HR excellence support to our truly international environment with a HQ of 26 nationalities working out of Lyngby as well as supporting our operations globally. Key Responsibilities “Web master” for the HR Intranet, i.e. •handling all uploads of news/material, including visuals •gathering text and proof reading of same •assist with development of new functionality on the HR intranet / for internal HR communication •drive more collaborative use of the intranet and team sites Relief to HR readiness team with administrative work during peaks e.g. •various ad-hoc administrative tasks •work on smaller projects during rig start-ups and close downs •work in excel with updates of tender templates •misc. To the extent where time permits, assist with other documentation and communication of data definitions in HRIT team. Who we are looking for The position is ideal for a student with a keen interest in Communications and IT, particularly web based communication/interaction. Experience with share point or web mastering in general is an asset. • You are minimum 1-2 years into your Bachelor within Communications, IT, Social Sciences, Humanities or similar • You are creative and have an interest in how IT functionality can enable communication through web communication and social collaboration • You are independent, proactive and not afraid of seeking information and exploring new ways • English in writing and speaking is a prerequisite • Flexible, and can work 10-15 hours per week • Furthermore, you must hold a valid Danish residence permit For further information, please contact: Annemarie Malchow-Knudsen, +45 6336 1922. Maersk Drilling is a core business unit within the A. P. Moller - Maersk Group, and we are aiming to double our size within the next 5 years. We design, develop and operate a global fleet of advanced drilling rigs using cutting edge technology and know-how. We create value with our customers through a unique service delivery concept where we customize safe, efficient and consistent drilling services. We build our service around our highly skilled and committed work force, our state of the art offshore drilling rigs and our 40 years of experience operating in the most challenging environments. By joining us, you should be prepared for a career that can lead you anywhere.

Arbejdsgiver Navn: A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S (Maersk Drilling)

Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 33633363

land: Danmark

region: Hovedstaden

krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet

Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark


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