Arbejde System Specialist - .NET (C#) Midtjylland GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S - jobtilbud
Would you like to program complex systems in a global organisation that cares about sustainability, our society and the environment? Do you want to gain thorough knowledge about our domains while you take control of our software architecture and quality assurance? And can you see yourself as the specialist at the forefront of our system development? Then join our department IS Development Factory – Systems, which is part of Grundfos IS, Information Solutions. We are 24 dedicated colleagues responsible for our own developed systems either for the Grundfos Internet and Intranet, or applications to be used in the different production processes. E.g. we provide development for 20+ production sites worldwide. You refer to Department Head, Jan Hinnerfeldt Nielsen. ”Our team is divided into two domains working on production IT and sales support tools. Still, we work together as one strong team where we help each other and spar on a daily basis. I believe in growing your competences throughyour job and taking responsibility for your own development, but most of all, I believe we achieve outstanding results only when we work together as a team,” Jan explains. Hvad drejer jobbet sig om? As System Specialist, you are responsible for our software system solutions, including system software architecture. Thus, you handle application solutions on specialist level within a given area such as algorithms, special calculations or business solutions. Your objective is to ensure that chosen platforms and systems meet business requirements as well as internal IS requirements. Your major development tasks are to further develop the Sales & Solution tools to fulfil new requirements as well as to maintain and mature our existing .NET based platform. You also work with our system application architecture and quality assurance as well as participate in improving/maturing the competences, processes and methods in the department. In the process, you work closely with the software development colleagues in the department, our business delivery areas, project managers and colleagues in the Grundfos business outside Grundfos IS. “We are working on a current system in order to develop and expand it further, so your challenge is to gather this highly specialised application knowledge and take the lead as our specialist within this domain of complex programming,” Jan says. Hvad skal der til for at ansøge? You have 5+ years of experience with.Net/C# programming, REST Web-Services, and software architecture in general. This allows you to make recommendations for future software developments as well as analyse and create systems in response to technical specifications. You are also able to document the system software created in terms of functionality, data structures, interface and processes performed by the system, test software systems, and diagnose and fix faults. You can also write diagnostic programs and designing and writing code to ensure systems function efficiently. Preferably, you have experience with Net / IIS on MS Windows Server, SQL databases (e.g. DB2, MS SQL), Visual Studio - MicroSoft Team Foundation and/or GIT, System Deployment and finally Task Management Systems (TFS and/or JIRA/Bamboo). You speak and write English fluently. “We are looking for a candidate who is holistic, communicative, and a team player - someone who takes responsibility and ownership and is used to working in an international organisation,” Jan finishes.
Arbejdsgiver Navn: GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 87501400
Job kort beskrivelse: Systemanalytikerarbejde
land: Danmark
region: Midtjylland
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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