Arbejde Postdoc in Spectral X-ray Imaging Hovedstaden Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - jobtilbud
The section Neutrons and X-rays for Materials Physics (NEXMAP) at DTU Physics focuses on gaining knowledge on fundamental properties of materials through experiments conducted at neutron and X-ray facilities around the world. Development of instruments, software for virtual experiments, and novel data analysis methods play a key role in this effort. The candidate will work primarily with industrial application of novel energy resolving detectors. The work is divided between various projects exploiting the development of practically useable energy resolving detectors. One group of projects focusses primarily on line detectors for scanning applications i.e threat segmentation for security in critical infrastructure. A second project seeks to apply novel 2D detectors for material research and NDT. All projects are conducted in close collaboration with private companies with a firm understanding of research as a competitive advantage. Responsibilities and tasks The postdoc is charged with the specific task of integrating spectral imaging capability in commercial instruments. A large part of this work is performing calibrating measurements and developing corrective post processing methods. Furthermore is it expected that the candidate participate with the rest of the team to achieve the overall goals of the projects to ensure a successful commercial product. The challenges in the instrument will be to measure and quantize various interaction effects of X-ray sin the detector. The work will be an iterative process in collaboration with the team responsible of developing characterization tools. Implementation of supplementary x-ray techniques to aid the characterization may be necessary. Additionally methods of noise reduction and signal enhancement needs to be utilized. The candidate will need to work creatively to develop key new technologies and identify and bring together auxiliary capabilities both within and outside the section. Specifically a high degree of collaboration and coordination with the private companies InnospeXion and Xnovo is essential. Qualifications Candidates should have •A PhD degree or equivalent •Knowledge about X-ray science and technology •Enthusiasm for working with industry related problems •Well established skills to work in a team The candidate must be able to work across the many disciplines involved in the project and should demonstrate experience with instrumentation development. A creative and tenacious work approach is important. We offer We offer an interesting and challenging job in an international environment focusing on education, research, public-sector consultancy and innovation, which contribute to enhancing the economy and improving social welfare. We strive for academic excellence, collegial respect and freedom tempered by responsibility. The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) is a leading technical university in northern Europe and benchmarks with the best universities in the world. Salary and terms of employment The appointment will be based on the collective agreement with the Confederation of Professional Associations. The allowance will be agreed with the relevant union. The position has 18 month duration with a possible 6 month extension and is available to be filled from July 15, 2016. Further information Further information may be obtained from Professor Henning Friis Poulsen, hfpo (at), tel +45 4525 3119 or Research Consultant Ulrik Lund Olsen, ullu (at), tel +45 2465 5169. Application procedure Please submit your online application no later than June 20, 2016. Applications must be submitted as one PDF file containing all materials to be given consideration. To apply, please open the link "Apply online," fill in the online application form, and attach all your materials in English in one PDF file. The file must include: •Application (cover letter) •CV •Diploma (an official translation into English) •List of publications Applications and enc
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 45252525
Arbejdsgiver faxnummer: 45881799
Job kort beskrivelse:
Undervisning og forskning på universiteter og højere læreranstalter
land: Danmark
region: Hovedstaden
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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